⚙️ Using WP-CLI to maintain multiple sites over SSH

Not all hosts provide a simple way to update WordPress Core, Plugins, or Themes within their control panel so that leaves you logging in to each WordPress install one by one to push updates (Of course you can enable auto-updates in WordPress these days). There is another way of going about this if you like to have a little more control, and that is by using WP-CLI. WP-CLI allows you to create a config.yaml file in the /User/home/username/.wp-cli/ directory on your computer that has WP-CLI installed.

The process of setting this up is pretty straightforward, first, you want to make sure for ease of use you push out your SSH key to each site/server that you will be connecting to else you are stuck typing in the password for each site which kind of defeats the purpose of this setup. I won’t explain this process as there are many walkthroughs out there that can help you get this going if you are unfamiliar, I even wrote a bash script to help with this process.

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