🐋 Installing Docker on Ubuntu Server 20.04

I was looking to set up a new server for a caching service that ran via Docker but the first step was to get Docker set up on a new Ubuntu Server install so I thought I would document the steps I took to get it installed, mainly for future reference so I don’t have …
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🌡️ Bash Script to get temperature from a DS18B20 sensor

I set up two DS18B20 temperature sensors on my FishPi to monitor each side of the tank. While most scripts I found utilized Python to grab the temperature from the sensors, I of course wanted to do it in bash since while I understand Python I don’t “know” it well enough to write out a …
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🪪 Setting up SSH on a headless Raspberry Pi

Along with setting up Wifi on your headless Raspberry Pi, you should likely set up SSH as well else the whole thing is kind of pointless since you won’t be able to connect to it even though it’s on your network. In order to enable SSH on the Raspberry Pi, you need to create the …
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🎬 My Plex Server

🎬 My Plex Server 1
🎬 My Plex Server 6

Not only have I been a long-time Plex user, but I have built a few Plex servers over the years and I wanted to outline my newest setup. It is quite a beast, especially compared to the previous server which was a 2012 Mac Mini that I only used out of simplicity but in the end, it was not powerful enough to handle my needs. The form factor was great but when it came to having to transcode anything, it simply failed.

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