While looking over the site’s analytics, I noticed a large influx of people coming to the site while looking for images of the Synology DS1817+; with that being said, I figured I should bring this album back to life and into a post instead.
I have gone through multiple storage solutions ranging from a Linux box with spare drives, a Drobo, another Linux machine with hardware RAID, and a QNAP, and finally settling on a Synology DS1817+ when I rebuilt everything, which I hope is for the final time.
Not only is the Synology easy to use and get going (It feels like it’s the Apple of storage devices), but it works great and looks nice and clean.
The only downside, which there is no way around, is the build time to expand the filesystem when adding new drives, but again it’s pretty expected.
Anyone would be happy with this NAS or any other Synology model. I hope this one will continue to work for years to come; my only issue will be finding larger affordable drives to replace these with when the time comes.